Build confidence by easing up


Mountain Training Many runners neglect exercising their upper bodies. I too feel horrible when I miss a day of running. The thing is, our bodies need balance. Everything needs balance. The muscles in our arms help propel our legs and our core muscles hold us up. Runners aren’t the only ones guilty of this type of neglect though. Many gym rats are reversed. They have huge developed upper bodies and skinny legs. Of course either of these scenarios is better than just flat out neglect of the body.

What we try to do at Papa Didos is give kids an appreciation of balance in a person. Not just the balance of the body but also of the mind. It is known that resistance is what helps us build muscle. It is in the struggle that weakness is broken. We rip our muscles so that they may grow back stronger...

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Surprises are everywhere 13 and 11 miles


Reading in San DiegoOur foundation has kept a steady pace. We haven’t grown exponentially but we have made leaps and bounds. It is hard to believe four years has passed since we became official. They say many people give up when they are on the cusp of success. Being an endurance runner I believe this to be true. The other day I felt a bit down. I saw some of our previous supporters drop our foundation from their priorities list. The world works in mysterious ways though. We knew our slate was about to be filled with activity and we made our best efforts to prepare. I thought some of our sponsors would appreciate the fact that we took over a year to plan an 11,000 mile run around the perimeter of the United States...

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You will always have support when you climb a good tree


friends and family at graduation A friend of mine in Africa wrote the message, “You will always have support when you climb a good tree.” The topic of discussion was the difficulty in finding support in the current economic environment. Those of you that know me know I have an unshakable positive mental attitude. But, being human means enduring hardship along with enjoying life.

walking with diplomaI received a degree on this windy yet warm spring day. It was something I should have already had in my hand years ago. When I left college, I did so with many credits to my name. When I returned I discovered that navigating the waters of registration, and school administration were not as simple as two decades ago. Every time I thought my paperwork was complete some other technicality reared it’s head...

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