I am a dreamer. I see the cup that is empty and I fill it.


I am a dreamer. I see the cup that is empty and I fill it. That’s really all there is to it. I have a vision of the world that can be: a world where the content of one’s character isn’t even a question. I have a vision of a world where children have compassion as well as passion. We can begin changing the world any time. It starts with the person in the mirror.

Spending time with kids can be a wonderful learning experience not just for the kids but also for adults. They ask some of the hardest and most intriguing questions. With their insatiable thirst for knowledge, they are natural scientists. They are the cups that I seek to fill. I want to fill them with knowledge and goodness. I want to make them smile. I dream of helping them become productive wonderful citizens. It’s funny because I think it is because of them that I am becoming a more productive person. They are helping me fulfill my purpose in life.

 Books and stories make children happy. There is no denying that fact. Reading to them from birth will contribute to their success in school and in life. So don’t put off the moments you have to spend with eager young minds because if you wait too long they might no longer be eager or young. Every now and then I have to remind myself to do this as well. I’m lucky that over these holidays I was able to remember that these little moments make a big difference. I’m lucky I was able to read to a couple of great kids. It is confirmation that the project is worth whatever hardship I encounter. I look forward to the journey ahead and I’m super excited about reading to the many kids which will be along my path. I know they will change my life in so many ways. I just hope that I will be able to give something special to them as well.

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