Sometimes one completed task can leave you feeling like you’ve accomplished a lot


Sometimes one completed task can leave you feeling like you’ve accomplished a lot. On the flip side, even though you complete a million errands, you might feel like nothing important has been achieved. Yesterday I had one meeting with Dr. Rachel Berkowitz from the hope foundation. Donnie, Christina, and J.C. were in attendance. We are different charities but our interests are the same. Both organizations desire to make a positive contribution to this world.

I can confidently say the meeting was productive. I was able to see and understand the program they created and how it will be implemented into the school systems. It makes me even more aware of just how interconnected we are. At first, it may seem as though the charities I have put together have nothing in common with each other. But upon closer scrutiny, the picture becomes clearer. It’s not my job to spell it out because I believe we must come to our own conclusions. It is the struggle which makes us strong. I will however shed some light on my thoughts. And remember these are just my thoughts. My organization was created to help bring literacy to underprivileged kids everywhere. It’s my profound belief that education is the key to solving problems. Furthermore, it is imperative to reach the children. Now the hope foundation is also about reaching the children. They would like to ensure that all underprivileged children have the chance to lead active and healthy lifestyles. Don’t physical and mental health work hand in hand??? In the hope foundation’s play program they emphasize planting gardens so that kids learn to appreciate vegetables. This leads to my connection with the organization ample harvest. These are people who harvest the vegetables from home gardens so that the hungry have fresh food to eat. When I write of vegetables it brings to mind my friends at ARME. They promote vegan lifestyles and promote animal rights. Truly there is a spiritual connection between man and the other creatures on this planet. Of course the animal rights lead me to my desire to help the elephant sanctuary. Of course all these organizations benefit some form of life but what is the source of all life? Water is the answer. We all need clean water to survive. Humans, plants, the animals and our planet all need clean water to survive. So that is why living water international is one of the beneficiaries of this run. This clean water will help kids stay healthy. The healthy kids will study and learn to build wells, take care of animals and plant wonderful foods. They will have a vision of the way the world can be. They will help shape it into a happy place. It sounds simple but aren’t the best things always simple? Now let’s act. Help me. Join me. Follow me!


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