Words are everywhere. They are a beautiful thing


Words are everywhere. They are a beautiful thing. They are helpful as well as sad, funny, entertaining, and esoteric. They make us think. They give us direction. They are the lyrics to our favorite love songs. They move us towards action. The written word is important on so many levels. Because of them, we are able to feel the emotion of someone who lived three hundred years ago. Because of words, we are able to learn from past mistakes. Because of words I will not get lost. Because of words I can operate machines. Because of words I have options.

Alksjdf goiau rn sb ?fgku ioau… ulfgjoiaurlf.. oubyueoir’sd.ds.

How can you say that doesn’t mean anything to you? Can’t you read? Imagine if everywhere you turned you only saw gibberish. Do you know how lucky you are to be reading this sentence right now? It might seem simple to you but there was once a time when you couldn’t do it either. Do you remember when you began to read? The doors opened up and the lights went on didn’t they? Let’s help give this gift to the children of today. They will need it if they are to give it to the children of tomorrow. I think you understand what I’m saying. Literacy is a gift which was shared with you. It’s a gift which is meant to be shared with all.

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