Day 17, 18 Parker to Bouse 25 miles Day 19 Bouse to Hope 24 miles


Hey, I’ve been out of communication for a couple of days. I want to thank everyone for their get well wishes. It’s been tough having to lay off my legs but rest assured, I never quit. I had a one day lay off then I tried to walk out of Parker. When JC and I got one mile out of town, our friend Roy comes peeling out of town to see us off and wish us well. He told us that he is working on helping us complete our journey. It’s so touching to have someone we just met believe in what we are doing. Cheers to new friends.

Half way through the milage, we met a heavy rainstorm. Perhaps it was a message from the universe that I was not ready to hit the road just yet. We got into the car and headed back to Parker. There we stayed at the Blue Water Casino. Surprisingly, also checking in was a guy biking to raise funds for cancer. I don’t know if he’s riding across the United States or just heading to some point in Arizona. He happened to pass us on the road the next day. I hope he is having a nice journey. As for me, my mom, and JC, we had to make up the milage to Bouse. The shin splints felt surprisingly good but not yet one hundred percent.

We reached Bouse pretty early and took a couple pictures with our newest member Bob the gnome. Our lodging for the evening was the Desert Pueblo RV Resort. I would be our first night camping out. Now things seemed fine at around six o’clock but the temperature dropped very quickly. We decided to pitch our tents and tried to get to sleep early. One of the reasons was that we were at the mercy of the setting sun. Since it was our first night camping, it was our first evening opening our camping equipment. What I discovered was that the two person tent I bought for JC was more like a tent for two kids. No one complained or even uttered a sigh. What other choice is there when you are on a mission and in the middle of nowhere. None of us chose to shower in the community showers so we all went to sleep grimey. It seemed warm in the tent until about 4 in the morning when the tents started to ice over and the coyotes started howling. We all woke up with chattering teeth but warmed quickly as the sun rose.

Enter today where the shin splints seemed to be almost completely healed. We made some good mileage and the weather was nice. Adam and Anna even came through with a great hotel in Wickenburg called Rancho De Los Caballeros. It’s a beautiful golf resort with eighty six horses in their stable. They’ve got a great and friendly staff of charming ladies. Today is a good day.

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