I should be asleep


I’ve been trying to get myself to bed at 8PM everyday but I haven’t been very successful. I’ve just had so much to take care of everyday in preparation for this journey.Today is no different. I spent a couple hours in front of a camera then another couple hours preparing the support vehicle. I’m exhausted.

Tomorrow I finally start. I’ve been waiting so long. As I sit here trying to quickly put down my thoughts, I think about all the people who have rallied to make things happen. I sure am grateful to have my friend Nick on my team. I’m not sure he knows how much I appreciate everything he has put into this organization. He has really come through with flying colors. I owe him a big thank you for being clutch. There were times when he was a bit hesitant to take on this task but I sure am glad he did. I’m keeping tonight short because I’ve got to get up early and run. The next entry will be from the field. Good night everyone.

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