Day 30 Winona AZ to Leupp 30 miles


I woke up to the news that Japan was hit by a huge earthquake. My mind didn’t quite process it because I thought my mom said there was a flood there. It was only when I checked my phone midway through my run that I realized the magnitude of the disaster. My mind immediately thought of Nick back at headquarters. Being in the desert again meant I didn’t really have very good phone reception. When I finally got a signal I called home base to make sure Nick’s family was safe and sound. I’m happy to report that all is good in his camp.

For the most part, this day was almost completely flat so I polished off most of the mileage early. I wish I had an exciting adventure to write about today but not everyday can be action packed. The highlight for me was befriending a stray dog on the Navajo Indian Reservation land. The low was being almost attacked a couple miles later by two dogs gaurding a church. Their tails were wagging but, the one that looked like it wanted to take a bite out of me had a bloody eye. So yeah, he looked a little bit vicious. I stared him down and walked backwards with the mace in my hand. It was only after two cars honked their horns at the dogs did they give up. I was only a mile and a half away from the end of my run at that point.

When I entered the town I thought to myself “America is great but we need to give back to the natives. I could hardly believe that I was in a town with inhabitants. Leupp looked almost like an abandoned ghost town. The Shell gas station was the only place that had life. I hope the owner of the establishment is Native American at least.

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