Day 46 My day off……0 miles


I can hardly remember my last rest day. It was so nice giving my body a break today. I woke up pretty early and went straight into my morning routine. But after getting dressed, there wasn’t a rush to hit the road. Instead my mom and I headed to Central United Methodist Church for their contemporary sunday service. To my surprise, the first person I saw outside the church was my friend Demetrius from the Hyatt. It turns out that she attends Pastor Greg’s contemporary service every Sunday.

The congregation was really easy going and friendly. Kids and elders mingled freely. They kicked off the service with a twelve person band and happy uplifting music. Greg delivered his sermon between sets and before I knew it, the service was over. Even though the hour passed quickly, I was able to think about the message to today’s sermon. It was about expectations and respect. I thought about how this relates to the journey I am on. I am trying my best to do something good without expectation. I think I’m trying my best to respect the purpose of this journey.

The service was followed by a Bible study group. I made a couple more friends and realized that what I am doing is relevant. I met a sweet lady named Rachel and her son Will. They invited me to run with a kids running group. I would have liked to but, I will already be so far out of Albuquerque by then. She told me that her son and his friends love to run around. She said the running actually helps him focus in school. Like I always say, “we must find the balance between a healthy mind and healthy body.”

I didn’t stay at the church for lunch. My main objective was to get as much sleep as possible on this day. It is a luxury for me these days. The thing is, I woke up from the mid day rest sore all over. I think my body was not ready for so little activity. I even found walking to the bathroom to be a chore. It took me a couple of hours to motivate myself to do laundry. It was a big priority for the day. I did that and I reorganized the support vehicle. It might sound like work to some but believe me, I found it very relaxing. Tomorrow: Algodones Elementary School here I come.

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