Day 47 Algodones Elementary School 0 miles


The kids are what make this project worth the pain. The faces of tomorrow’s leaders motivate me to keep pushing on. These kids are pure potential. They haven’t yet been jaded or tainted by the pressures of society. Do you remember a time when the possibilities in this world were endless?

Today I had the pleasure of getting to know the bright young students of Algodones Elementary School. They were attentive, inquisitive, and fun. Every time I read my book to kids I get a charge of energy. The school is about twenty-two miles outside of Albuquerque. The backroads to the school are lined with trees and it would have been a fantastic run. Often times I think about how lucky kids are in these scenic little towns. Their principal Laura Greenleaf is a runner. And, as a runner she understands the connection between the mind, body, and spirit. Laura and the faculty of Algodones Elementary, are doing a great job preparing these kids for the world. The kids read “The Tenth Floor” along with me with no problems. The time passed pretty quickly. Funny how time flies when you are having fun. I left the kids wanting to finish the story and led the kids out to the yard to have a quick run with me. Some of the teachers even took a lap around the yard with me and the kids.

I always say, I refuse to fail on my mission. I’m out here trying to prove to the kids that you can accomplish whatever goals you set for yourself. I want them to know that if you take enough steps you will reach your destination. There is no goal too big and the only way we fail is if we don’t act. I did everything in my power today to try and inspire tomorrow’s heros. Tomorrow I will run from Moriarty to Clines Corners. It will be another step towards New York. I love what I’m doing!!!!

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