Day 122 Chicago 0 miles


Today J.C. and I made tracks for the Shriner’s Hospital of Chicago. It was one scary cab ride away from the Navy Pier. Perhaps it’s because I don’t ride in cars much anymore but, I don’t think my cabby was driving very safely. The guy practically took out two pedestrians as he cut through a parking lot. When he slammed on the brakes papers went flying throughout the car leaving a mess everywhere. He wasn’t even really sure which direction to go. I knew something was wrong when he asked us to call the Shriners Hospital then proceed to drive and talk.

I would have run there but the mileage would have been backwards, we had boxes of books, and I had to return to the high rise by the pier regardless. It was a 24 mile run there and back so I decided to give my legs a break as well as keep myself fresh for the kids. It just did not make sense to add unnecessary wear to my body.

On this particular day, we spent time with the kids during thier lunch hour. It was a very casual setting which kept the mood light. I circulated through the dining room meeting all the kids and their parents one at a time. J.C. and I gave out plenty of copies the tenth floor and many of the kids began devouring the book on the spot. For a hospital, there were lots of huge windows which let plenty of sunlight inside. I thought that was pretty cool. I also found it awesome that they had a basketball court and airhockey table. It seem to me this kind of therapy is the best way for kids to get better.

After having a huge lunch at the hospital, I discovered I had lost my camera. I’m lucky JC was there to film and take pictures. Apparently, when the cabbie slammed on his brakes my camera flew out of my pocket. I was pretty bummed. I wondered to myself, “why do things keep escaping me?”

We made our way to the bus stop which was not only cheaper than a cab but much safer. We boarded number 65 destined for the Navy Pier. The bus would go right to the doorstep of my lodging place. At least it should have, only problem was that the bus broke down half way there. As with every day, it seemed I was going through the spectrum of ups and downs.

No matter what, the day always seems to redeem itself. I found my way to best buy and purchased a new camera. I had a great meal and I took some nice photos around the city. The mishaps we face through life are never as bad as they seem when we are experiencing them. I will sleep soundly.

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