Day 126 Chesterton to La Porte/Michigan City 22 miles


Everytime I camp out, my body rebels against me. Last night the tent was comfy and the grass was soft. The only thing missing was a pillow. I thought I’d wake up fresh this morning. I thought wrong.

At the crack of dawn, a squirl woke me up with his Hurculean effort to join me in the tent. I’m sure he was looking for breakfast. When I attempted move, my body yelled at me. It was the same as the last couple of times I slept without a matress. This must be what senior citizens feel like when they say they are falling apart. My hip is always especially sore because I sleep on my side. No shower, no bath, I cleaned myself with wet wipes and started pushing my stroller towards a breakfast spot. I ate slowly because I was in no rush to hit the road. In fact, I laid out a little mat by the farmers market and fell back to sleep. I figured I never have engagements on the weekend so why not try to give myself a little extra rest.

I fell in and out of an agitated sleep. I tried my best but I couldn’t help thinking I should keep an eye on the things in my stroller. I’m sure most people wouldn’t bother going through my things though. If they don’t assume it’s a baby, maybe they assume I’m homeless. Actually, come to think of it, I’m not that far from being a vagabond. Like a hobo from back in the day I eventually got up, dusted myself off and headed for the next town.

I charted my course for Hamlet, Indiana via Westville. In the little town of Westville, I found a couple of baseball diamonds. One of them was occupied while the one close to me was empty. Still sleepy, I decided to try and make myself comfortable in the shaded dugout. It was quiet which helped me fall right to sleep. I”m not exactly sure how many winks I caught when my phone pinged me. I recieved a message to go to La Porte. I checked the map and it seemed close enough.

I punched the directions into the navigation on my phone and headed to La Porte. I took many nature photos on the way and enjoyed the later part of the day. When I reached the destination something seemed wrong. I didn’t see Serenity Springs anywhere. I just saw a couple businesses and old houses. My GPS had failed me. I was still several miles away from the private getaway. It was located Northwest of where I was standing. The route ahead of me is Southeast. My dilema was easily solved as Laura and Rich arranged to pick me up from where I was standing. Thank you a million times over.

On the way to the accomodations, I learned Rich and Laura’s son Trace would be returning home from China the next morning. He happens to also be a cross country runner. Aside from that, their daughter is a school teacher. Again, it’s funny how everything works out.

I ran into the resort to find myself greeted by the staff. Everyone made me feel so welcome. The lush grounds and lake left me feeling calm and serene. That must be why it’s called Serenity Springs. Seeing the cabin floored me. This is most definitely a couples retreat. A giant inviting hot tub sat in the middle of the floor. Indoor and outdoor fireplaces stood by for making smores and ammenities adorned the cabin. The best part though is the king size bed. Tomorrow I’ll take lots of pictures of the place. Now it’s time to catch up on lost sleep.

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