Day 129 Plymouth to Warsaw, Indiana 30 miles


I’m pouring my heart and soul into this portrait. America is my canvas. My feet are my brushes as they take me from one area of the canvas to the next. The people are my paint for they provide the brilliant colors. And of course the journey is my muse. She is unpredictable, tempermental, romantic, and beautiful. She provides me with the inspiration to take each step.

People often ask me why. They want to know the reason behind my actions. The thing is, I can’t pinpoint one reason. This journey initally started out as a personal quest. But since it’s inception, it has evolved. It’s clearly about more than just me now. It’s about everyone who I have come in contact with. Honestly, it’s difficult for me to comprehend my actions. All I know is that every step I take brings me closer to what I seek.

Up to this point in the journey, I’ve only had one day where I had a later start. and that was on a whim. I’m making a push these next couple of weeks to reach Washington D.C. before the 12th of July. I wonder if I’ll make it. I spent most of my day talking with Rich and Ning. They were trying to help me streamline the run from here to D.C. They did manage to secure lodging and press for me in the town of Warsaw.

I arrived at the corner of road 30 and 31 at the time of 3:30. A reporter was supposed to come out and photograph me. I didn’t see her so I took off. I figured they would pull a picture off the website or something. Rich, Ning, and Bao kept my stroller and supplies in their car and took it to the next town so I could run hands free.

On the road a slight irritation pricked the ball of my left foot. I knew that a blister was probably forming from running with water logged shoes the day before. Since it didn’t feel extremely uncomfortable, I pushed on. It would be one of those quiet runs even though there was major traffic flying past me. I only remember seeing the Schultz’s pass me around mile 13.

I had a veggie burger before going upstairs to my room. I wasn’t expecting to be surprised with a new cap. I guess I’m official hoosier now. I’ll rotate between my new Indiana University cap and my roadrunner cap. I can’t for the life of me figure out where all the time went. These day’s it seems like I’m always fighting to try and get a good nights sleep. Even taking the change to Eastern time into account it just doesn’t make sense. Well no use trying to figure it out. I should just go to bed.

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