Day 131 Columbia to Ft. Wayne 24 miles


Bad boys, bad boys, what cha gonna do? What cha gonna do when they come for you?

So, this journey I am on is not just taking place on the road. There are parts of this journey that continue back in California. Of course, I wouldn’t have made so much progress without the help of home base. They keep tabs on my location and my needs while super talented artists are busy illustrating the next books in the series. We are riding the momentum and feeling good about doing good. It seems that every day, our little steps are steps of progress. It’s awesome to look back and recall the very first steps. Without a doubt I am surrounded by blessings.

The events back home are not all fun and games though. I think it’s important to illuminate all the happenings in relation to this foundation and to the run. The home team has been dealing with something other than just the run. See, this entire event almost didn’t happen because of a shady crook. A guy by the name of Jim Chevious swindled money from the foundation. He’s been sitting back laughing about how he took the money that was meant to produce and distribute “The Tenth Floor”. Lucky for the foundation, our team pulled together and printed the books just in time. This man has plagued my thoughts often on this journey. I thought to myself, “How can someone steal money knowing it belongs to underprivileged children?”

Now everyone knows me as Mr. nice guy but, there is a time when the gloves come off. We must never let ourselves be taken advantage of. I refuse to be a victim. The end of the road is approaching. And, Jim’s day of reckoning approaches with it. I’ve been fortunate to have great legal minds behind our cause. I applaud my team for relentlessly pursuing this villain. He should be given no breathing room what so ever. Whatever happens, justice will prevail. I have seen karma. She is gracious and giving to those with kind hearts and pure intentions. But, for people like Jim, beware. Karma is a bitch!

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