Day 132 Ft. Wayne, Indiana to Van Wert, Ohio 32 miles


Cold Pizza for breakfast. Interviewed by Marsha McConnell of Fox news Ft. Wayne at noon. Took to the road at 12:30. Seven miles in flat tire.

I sat by the side of the divided highway pumping up my tire. I thought it would hold. I was mistaken. After pushing the stroller for a couple miles, it was flat again. Yesterday the right side went out. Today the left side let me have it. I thanked my lucky stars that I met Frank Dickerson back in Worden, Illinois. He has been in my thoughts lately but you can imagine it was much more today. I have officially gone through all the tubes he donated to Papa Didos. Thankfully I was able to get the tires fixed and running in a relatively short ammount of time.

I started up again. Base line pumping and hip hop running through my veins. As I ran, I thought about one characteristic that I could say defines Indiana. I think I want to use the word neighborly. Go Hoosiers! I had such a fun time in Indiana but in the blink of an eye, I was in another state.

Hello Ohio. More cornfields. Nicely cut grass. Wide road. Oh yeah, did I mention this is the state where I was born. It sure is.

I’m not sure if those of you who read this have come to expect something fantastic happening out of the blue every other day but, it happened again. I ran to a hotel, checked in and went in search of a meal. I stopped in an ice cream parlor with two customers. Thad and Kathleen asked me if I wanted to sit with them. Of course I accepted the offer. It turns out they work with the Marsh Foundation. It’s a home for kids and you guessed it. I’m going to go there and give books to kids tomorrow. If you ever have a question about going out on a limb based on faith, just look at all that has happened on my journey. It’s like a movie yet it really happens.

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