Day 133 Van Wert to Lima 29 miles


The day started with an event at the Marsh Foundation. Despite my aching bones, I made my way to the Marsh Foundation grounds. Kathleen and her daughter Rachel greeted outside and took me to the recreation room. I was greeted by two Lisas and a handful of kids. It was predominantly a male audience with a couple of girls. I was hit with some of the usual questions like “Where do you stay?” but, I was also caught by new ones as well.

Roger asked me to speak to him in Chinese after making the astute observation that I am of Chinese descent. Another boy Mitchell asked me to speak Bulgarian. I thought that was kind of a random question. Overall, the kids were great. When we finished the reading part of the day, we moved into the running part. We mixed it up today and instead of just running, we played a form of dodge ball called spider ball. All the counslors played as well. There is no shortage of physical activity at the Foundation. These kids loved playing.

Like every day of this journey, I had to move on and hit the road. The kids and teachers wished me good luck and off I ran. One thing I’ve come to accept is that even though I don’t know where I’m staying for the evening, everything will be all right. My job is to just take the steps and stuff happens.

As I approached Lima, I began to take photos and wander around. I was lucky enough to recieve some help from one of the Lisas in finding lodging. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when you do something good and pure, the universe conspires to help you. Things just naturally fall into place. Yes, I found a roof over my head and a hot bath. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

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