Day 137 Galion to Mansfield OH 19 miles


Timing is everything. Last night I arrived at my hosts place a tad too late for dinner. They have a huge banquet hall where bingo takes place on Tuesday evenings. I took that as my que to get to bed early. I took a hot bath in the Peace cabin then knocked out for the entire night until the morning.

I had the chance to chat with Bonnie and Dave of the Hope Cabins just after I packed my things into George the stroller. Turns out, Bonnie will be in Washington D.C. the day that I arrive. Once again, it seems nothing on this trip is left to chance. I left early enough this morning but, I kind of took a little time to look around and take pictures on my way to Mansfield. I figured I’d get to the Reformatory where “Shawshank Redemption” was filmed in plenty of time. They say it’s creepy and haunted. I love it! What I should have done was check the times the reformatory is open to the public.

I actually made it into Mansfield pretty early. I had two choices. My first option was to head to the reformatory and risk being hungry. My second option was to eat. My stomach won that battle. I didn’t realize that the reformatory would close at four o’clock. By the time I finished eating it would be a lost cause trying to get the full tour. I decided to stay in town and try for tomorrow. I let the office know of my plans and they booked me into a hotel in Mansfield. I had to run five miles south of where I was located. I was pretty much subtracting miles but I was ok with it. Had I known about the lack of a shoulder on the side of the street, it might have been a different story. I sure hope this reformatory is worth it.

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