Day 142 Pennsylvania state line to Pittsburg 30 miles


Cheryl and Dakota prepared a breakfast pizza for me on this fine fourth of July morning. It’s too bad I wasn’t able to stay for the festivities. I hear they throw awesome parties. As I hit the road, I couldn’t help but think about America. It is Independence day after all. My thoughts went back to the time the founding fathers wanted to be liberated from the taxes of England. They wanted the freedom to worship. The idea I love the most though is the freedom to pursue happiness.

I want to know how independent we really are. It seems to me like we depend on foreign oil. We have become dependent on foreign manufacturing. And, with the falling scores in our schools, how will the kids pursue happiness. How does the next generation pursue their dreams if we don’t give them the tools to do so? We must remember we are responsible for the future. We must also remember that we are all connected. If we fail the kids we are failing ourselves!

I passed several barbeques and I noticed the farmland change to a woodsy landscape. Creeks trickled and dense trees filled the hillsides. While the scenery was beautiful, I couldn’t help but feel a tad bit lonely. I’ve been on the road for close to half a year now and while I know I’m making a difference I’m just longing for something familiar. I’m so close to finishing and the blues creep into my psyche. (Why now?) I too would like to enjoy the company of friends and family. Yet, I continue running. I’ve just got to remember, I’m almost there.

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