Day 144 Huntington to Greensburg 15 miles


It’s been several weeks without a break now. Pushing thirty plus miles most days. Popping glucosamine like candy. Good thing it’s not addictive. Trying to finish strong.

So many times on this crazy, wonderful, and epic journey, I have seen the hand of divine intervention. I speak often about listening to the elements and the world around us. Today was my turn. The moment I ran into a gas station, a huge downpour happened. I did need to give myself a little time off. I wanted to shave. I wanted more sleep. I wanted my body to feel light. When I made the decision to call the day early a rainbow appeared. I instantly recalled the other day in Ohio when Jason and Mimi told me how rainbows are a sign for them. I figured it must be a sign for me as well. My mind was at ease with the decision and I treated myself to a bowl of pasta, a baked potato, rice, and an Oreo cream pie. I wanted to make sure my body was loaded with carbs. Tomorrow will be a new day.

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