Day 148 Bedford to McConnelsburg 34 miles


Can it be? Am I really less than two running weeks away from my destination? I feel like I’m on the tail end of a wonderful dream. You know those dreams where you try to go back to sleep so they can continue. One thing I never realized was that everyone supporting me is a little sad to see this thing end as well. We’re not there yet though. So, I had better put the cork back on the champagne bottle, bear down and stay focused. It’s always when people are about to reach their goals that they let something slip. I’ve never been one to choke though. I love the fourth quarter. The final minutes are always the most exciting.

Today’s run was hot. It was another late start. It’s the last full day in Pennsylvania. Tomorrow I cross into Maryland. Wow! In all reality, I could call it the day at D.C. because I would have technically crossed America. But, we always need a victory lap. The day was a scorcher. Being eaten by bed bugs didn’t help much either. I thought I had a big breakfast but I was mistaken. After sixteen miles my hunger was out of control. I chose fast food.

I chose poorly today. Usually my stomach is a steel machine that processes anything I choose to ingest. It malfunctioned today. I now know why everyone warns me about the food I consume while running. I was out of commission for a couple hours. I’ll try not to make that mistake again. The little break did me good though. My legs felt fresh and I finished the second part of the day strong. I guess little mishaps can turn out positive. I should still be careful about the food I’m eating none the less.

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