Day 152 Urbana to Bethesda 30 miles


I had the most amazing sleep last night. The Hampton Inn had a bed that just cradled my entire body. I was so comfortable I refused to wake up. Yet even on a day I’d like to be lazy, there is still a thing called check out time. No matter how much sleep I yearn for, my body knows that I need to be out of my room by eleven o’clock. The time might sound like sleeping in to you but after three thousand some miles it sounds like luxury to me.

Yesterday my thoughts were consumed with how a person reinvents themself. Today my mind is on running. I couldn’t help but think about everything that running has brought to my life. It has given me life. It is the activity single handedly responsible for keeping me healthy. Even with the harsh conditions of mother nature, I never once fell ill. Running has given me clarity and peace of mind. When things aren’t going my way, I run, I sweat, and I bring my life into focus. I often thought my running was a literal escape. It was as if I were fleeing demons. But, there comes a point when the escape becomes a chase. The run becomes a quest, a journey towards destiny.

I have witnessed the power of taking small steps one day at a time. I have cured that which ailed me and I have slayed many demons. I guess, it’s about moving forward and making progress. Another day finished and I am another step closer.

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