Day 154 Washington D.C. to Laurel MD. 22 miles


Woke up from Suneil’s floor ready to hit the trails. Suneil had already agreed to power through eight miles with me. I find my motivation to run increases if I have company. But then again, I guess I don’t need much motivation being that I do the same thing every day. I just get up and go. I put on my ninth and final pair of New Balance shoes on today; the new 880’s and we were out the door.

He took me on a trail that he usually runs alone. It’s always an honor when people share something like that with me. It’s the little things that I cherish. I loved running the trail. We had plenty of stories to swap during our run. We even told each other little unknown facts about mutual friends from childhood. It wasn’t gossip. It was just catching up and reminicing.

After we parted ways it was a straight shot to Laurel. Tried to find a new armband to hold my phone and stuff but they were all so expensive. I ran in and out of stores at the end of the day but found nothing that I liked. Let me correct myself. I found nothing that I liked for the right price. Got to bed as early as possible but like every day on this journey somehow early always turns out to be later than I’d like.

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