Day 159 Pennsauken NJ. to Hamilton NJ 26 miles


96 degrees, 98 degrees, 100 degrees, 105 degrees and climbing!!!! Please stop. I’m not the wicked witch of the west and I don’t want to melt away. It was hot early in the morning when I rolled out of bed. I don’t know what I was thinking when I rolled back in. The air conditioner was nice but staying in bed wasn’t going to make my run any cooler. My mind repeated, “your so close!!” while my body screamed at my mind, “I want to sleep”. My mind succumbed with the stipulation that I wouldn’t complain once I hit the road. Fair enough.

I was starved when I woke up the second time around. I needed food before I hit the road. That meant delaying my run into the worst hours of midday. Am I a masochist?? Possibly. I will say one thing though. My body knew best. The food and sleep helped keep me powered up and alert. Most of the day I found myself dreaming about the end. I envisioned a nice swimming pool and even more sleep. I’d burst into laughter sporadically as my mind tried to comprehend this little trip I decided to go on. People in cars looked at me like I’m a crazy man. I can’t say I disagree with them. But, I am a happy, crazy man.

I had a few minutes where I saw lightning in the distance. A couple of clouds covered the sun for some relief and I even recieved a few drops of cooling rain. It was refreshing enough to get me to the five dollar store by my destination. I ran into the shope because my poor armband which carries my phone and my cards is desperate to go into retirement. I thought about making him finish out the journey with me but he kind of smelled and he could barely keep himself together. He’s been a good and faithful companion. It was kind of sad saying good bye but it was time. Funny how my various inanimate objects seem to take on a personality. Wow, with that said, it sounds like I need to get back to society before I really lose it. Three more days. Will my sanity hold??

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