Day 10 The Journey Home Bloomington, IL.


The corn that was knee high two months ago is now all grown up. It’s way over my head and about ready to be harvested. Heading home, I know I’ll be seeing many people doing the same things in the same places. The familiar is a source of comfort like a special blanket. We are creatures of habit. As for me, I’m a strange creature. My habits have changed. I most definitely feel like a different person. In some ways I have grown. I feel a tight connection with this planet and it’s creatures. If you’ve followed the journey, I guess its obvious.

I’m having the best time taking a breather. I’m regrouping before I take on the next challenge. During this time, I’ve caught up on some much deserved sleep and I’m feeding my outrageous appetite. And even though I’m taking it easy, I’m trying to maintain some form of discipline. I’ve taken the running down to nine miles a day and I’ve ramped up my upper body workouts. This leaves my days completely free.

I’ve been putting off the drive back in favor of being with new friends and exploring some of the places I passed while running. Yesterday I wandered the grounds of Funks Grove. Mike and Judy took me exploring and I found myself standing in a Chapel in the trees. It was a simple clearing but it was magical. You could tell the Funk family cared about nature from the design of the chapel (the fact that there were signs indicating preserved land helped as well) There was no building and the pews were tree trunks. It was brilliant the way the sun cut through the branches and leaves. The shafts of light really gave it a holy feel.

Afterwards we headed to Mike and Judy’s museum in Atlanta, Illinois. The last time I set foot in the place was June 6. He was barely putting the place together then. He’s added more pieces to the place since. I will be interested to see it’s evolution. Because I’m giving myself a little vacation, we headed back to the house I retired to bed early and read a book. I can see myself becoming accustomed to this relaxation stuff.

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