The next stage Day 1


Sorry I went missing for a while. I’ve been decompressing a bit longer than I anticipated. Adjusting myself to the real world has not been easy. Suddenly I have so many responsibilities. A lot of work has piled up while I was on the road. But, I’m not going to freak out. I’ll just chop it down one day at a time. It’s the same philosophy that carried me across a country. I must admit the weather has been fantastic, the parties have been great, and the jacuzzi has been warm and bubbly.

Initially, when I returned to California, my body began to fall apart. With my discipline in overdrive, staying idle wasn’t an option. Oh yeah, everything seemed to be malfunctioning. I’m not sure if I just blocked out all pain while on the road or if the shock of relaxation was too much for my body to handle. Perhaps it was just accustomed to a different routine. Because of my maladies, I cut down my daily mileage to about 12 miles a day but, I’ve added intensive biking and swimming to my routine. I find the mixture a nice addition to running. It also helps my thoughts on the book I’m writing. I have a feeling this book will be an interesting adventure. I’m adding a few things you guys aren’t expecting.

As for the foundation, we have been busy planning the next step. I thought long and hard about maximizing my efforts. The idea then hit me, “The Great Reading Run Part 2”. It’s a million mile relay for the kids. Yep I finally said it. I’m not sure if I’m going to pilot the thing in Southern California or if I unleash it on the entire U.S.A. I guess it all depends on what we can accomplish this next year in terms of set up. I’m going to keep this post short because the book beckons but, I’ll be documenting this new adventure. I’m sure there are more twist and turns ahead.

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