Day 2 Training Smart


I’ve been putting in regular mileage every day for the past week. Today I decided to focus on something many runners neglect. I spent two hours working on upper body strength. Like I’ve said time and again, everything is about balance. To be a better runner it is important to strengthen the core for stability, the shoulders for posture, and arms for speed. To keep my blood flowing in between sets I would run a quick half mile run.

At the moment, my body feels good. Even though I took time away from extreme training I never abandoned fitness. I knew that I would want to resume the journey at some point in time. Jumping back into a rigorous regiment without keeping the muscles strong would have resulted in injury. For many people a fitness routine is cut off before it even begins. Most often it is due to injury. People try to do too much too soon and BAM. Once they lose that first hit of inspiration daily life takes over and people find it difficult to start back. By keeping my habits I ensured daily life would not take fitness away from me.

It’s easy to stay healthy with a routine in place. With this second journey the plan is to give people everywhere the support and education to lead a healthy lifestyle. And, If I can get kids into smart and healthy habits at a young age, I will change the world!

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