Stormy weather – 18 miles


running on bridgeThe morning air was unexpectedly nippy this morning. I knew this meant my muscles would be a bit achy. I still had to train though. At the crack of dawn I still had to train. I washed the sleep from my eyes, laced up the puppies, and I exited the door. The first session was an easy 12 miles. I took my time running in circles around a baseball field. I couldn’t help but enjoy the surrounding pines. When the blood began to flow the kinks slowly retreated. My limber body then switched to auto pilot. A small drop in energy signaled the end of my morning run. It signaled a need for me to fuel up.

Running past a monsterMy break from running meant that it was time to get back to work. Work meant returning emails, and playing around with social media. I am try my best to get a handle on the whole YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram but to tell the truth I like old school pen and paper. But if you don’t keep up you will get left behind right? The clacking keys created a forty-five minute symphony. My eyes felt fried and I had had enough. Then, the scent of toast, grilled veggies, and crispy hashbrowns drifted into my nose. My girlfriend had prepared a small feast. Our morning ritual after that consisted of prioritizing our needs and getting to them. We discovered the need of a person to book events at schools along our route. We discovered we needed help in many areas. We tackled some of the items ourselves but before long it was time for some more training. After six short miles buckets of water began to drop from the sky. Hey I thought we were in a drought. The water was refreshing but I didn’t have the luxury of basking in the wetness. Crystal and I had to rush to our support vehicle to make sure all the boxes were protected.

The unexpected August downpour was short but it was enough to finish off my day. I’ve got to remember this as I prepare for the road. There will be unexpected weather and I will have to adjust and adapt.

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