Day 13. Sidewinder Road in Winterhaven, CA to Yuma, AZ – 14 miles


AZ cossingTwo weeks have passed and it has been a whirlwind. It was supposed to be a rest day today, but due to the popping of the support vehicle’s tire, I had to run today to stay on schedule. It was an easy fourteen miles though. We picked up where we left off late in the afternoon. I figured I could sleep in at the very least.

AZ crossing 6With the heat subsiding I made a dash for the border. Literally. Various canals branched off the Colorado River giving life and greenery to the harsh desert. After these past couple weeks I’ve come to appreciate the life giving property of water. It rejuvenates, revives, and resuscitates. As I ran my body told me how vital water was to my existence. When I ran through barren areas I would seek out patches of green because I knew it meant water. I crossed the Colorado River right before I hit Yuma, Arizona. I imagined the excitement settlers felt, seeing the flowing body of water, after travelling across dry lands. I’m sure it was why I saw people camped out close by. Habitats had been erected under strong vibrant trees not too far from the water.

AZ crossing 4Nothing beats the feeling of crossing a state powered solely by foot. Yes the pun was intended. It was a feeling of ecstasy that was vaguely familiar. It had been a while but like anything the absence made this moment that much sweeter.

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