Day 46 Las Cruces to Anthony NM – 25 miles


IMG_3498Mesilla was a beautiful little town. The plaza and the homes all had Spanish influences. Many times th smallest places have been the friendliest. Everyone smiles and waves and no one seems to be in a rush. The morning started with a warm smile and a delicious breakfast of German pancakes. They were these light and fluffy creations topped with cream cheese and strawberries. With it I drank a delicious ginger tea. With the relaxed atmosphere and comfortable surroundings we decided to look through the small shops and walk through the plaza. Of course we ended up at a Bowlins Mesilla book store. The owner, Paul, was a fit gentleman with white hair and spectacles. We were able to chat for some time. I found out he was a runner as well.
He agreed to buy a set of books and sell them in store.

IMG_3503My daily calorie intake ranges from seven to nine thousand per day. So much of my free time is spent eating. After the plaza it was time for more fuel. We were able to make a stop for lunch at the St. Claire Winery and Bistro. We walked into their waiting area which was adorned with their selection of wines. The selection of seating consisted of the bar, inside dining, or patio. We chose to eat in a booth inside. Crystal and I had pesto pasta and french fries. Mmmmm it was tasty. And after it settled, I would have plenty of carbohydrate in my system to get me to the next town. We didn’t leave the town until 3:00PM.

Pecan trees lined both sides of the road for my entire run. As the sun began to set at six. That was also when the mosquitoes began to feed on my flesh. It was a good thing I had a strong running day.

IMG_3507It was just so fun meeting new and interesting people. I have had the pleasure and privilege of having many special people come into my life. It is one of the reasons I decided to take on this journey. This past week I witnessed the circle of life happening right before my eyes. My cousin who is like my twin (we were born two days apart) just gave birth to twins. Welcome to this world Isabella and Christopher. As you might have guessed, the circle was completed with the passing of one of my best friends. I was stunned when I received word. I was relaxing with a redbox movie in the trailer when I got the phone call.

SukDay 47 awaits. I will cross into Texas where everything is big. Suk, you were one of those larger than life figures. You played such huge role in my life. With a heavy heart day 47 is dedicated to you. I love you brother!

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