Day 88 & 89 Katy to Houston TX. – 22 Miles


20141126_130059Do obstacles dull or sharpen our focus? I believe the question is answered by the type of person that encounters the obstacle. A mountain, an ocean, or even a wall can be a deterrent for those who don’t like challenges. Things that push us are often uncomfortable. And in modern times, everyone seeks comfort. Over the past couple days, obstacles obstructed my path. I didn’t think the run would be easy by any means. And, I thought I had prepared myself mentally and physically as best I could for the challenge. The monetary roadblocks however have been a larger hurdle than anything I could have foreseen.

20141126_154655Clearly having a support vehicle has many benefits. Lodging and warmth can be provided when the possibility of taking another step has been expended. It is much safer than camping out under baseball dugouts and in city parks (I’ve done both). A hot meal is always available and I can carry an ample supply of shoes and gear. I’m sure most people would think it running around the perimeter would be impossible without this accessory but, there are a couple runners that would argue for a more minimal approach. Some would scale the trailer down to a car and there are others that would scale it down to a jogging stroller. I have experienced all of the above. And yes, there are benefits and drawbacks to each. If I were just trying to have this adventure without a budget I would have gone with the running stroller but this time around the trip is about so much more.

20141126_163856My body hasn’t fallen apart but I find that I am increasingly fatigued. Grinding out each day weighs on not just the body but, also the mind. The last thing I needed, was to hear the trailer needed repairs. I had noticed a small piece of metal seemed to be misaligned under the trailer. Was I overly cautious from being stranded in the Arizona desert? Perhaps. But, I thought it was best if Crystal had it inspected as soon as possible. So, she turned into a place that sold and serviced RV’s while on the route. They gave us a bleak report. The repairs they said we needed totaled more than we paid for our fifth wheel. I knew a rainy day fund was necessary before we hit the road but the amount we had already spent on the trailer repairs was ridiculous. How could I justify dumping more money into it? The repair would wipe out everything we had raised to date. We decided not to make any rash decisions and to get a second opinion. So now we are proceeding with even more caution. Regardless of our outcome we will realize our destination.

20141127_152419As hardship goes, it is a good device to make one appreciative. The holidays are here and it is a time to be grateful. So, I won’t let this bump in the road break the machine. I have my mental and physical health. They might be a little tired but they are intact and strong. As I rest in a huge luxurious room on the seventh floor of the Marriot South Houston, I remember just how good I have it. I see no obstacles: just solutions. 20141128_170959

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