Day 121 Irvington to Mobile AL. – 16 Miles


20141230_125411I must have had one of the deepest nights of slumber on this trip so far. For eleven hours I was pretty much motionless. I think I allowed myself the luxury because I knew the following day was going to be light. When morning arrived we felt no rush. As Crystal prepared breakfast, the scent of grilled onions and mushrooms filled the trailer. The veggies add extra nutrients and flavor to my eggs. I wrapped the protein packed scramble to my tortilla with cheese.

20141230_121119With the extra time on our hands we took care of some trailer maintenance. Living on the road has been messy at times. Also the trailer is best driven without too much water in the tank. I dumped out what is called grey water; it was the waste water that wasn’t sewage. Crystal scrubbed the refrigerator and faucet fixtures. Our trailer had gone to the salon for a makeover. Before we hit the road, I went in to say thanks to Christy and James. It was such a privilege to stay and pamper myself with sleep. During our brief farewell, Christ gave me a few brownies to go and they stuck a Papa Didos sticker on a cabinet in the office. It looked like Papa Didos had covered some ground.

20141230_153811I piled on warm clothes to fight off the biting chill. The icy temperatures were accompanied by slight winds. Of course after a couple miles I wanted to rid myself of the outer layers. The extra clothing did little to slow me down. My lungs took in the fresh clean air and pumped oxygen to every muscle in the body. I didn’t run the day at race pace but I did keep it brisk.

20141230_164624The last six miles were run without the benefit of the extra lane. I ran on slopes and grass. The leaves rustled under my feet but I continued to power through to the end. The final destination was the Shady Acres RV. Park. The grounds were quite big and there were lots of Alabama fans getting ready for the big game vs. Ohio. I thought I should get ready to cross into Florida for New Years.

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