Day 396 and 397 Alberton to Superior to St. Regis MT. – 47 Miles


20151010_123106The sun continued to shine and I wasn’t about to question the blessing. My day started with a trail that had been neglected for some time. Rocks had tumbled, weeds had sprouted, and blocks had been erected. The first stretch of the day was breathtaking. The clean mountain air pumped through my system. I hopped over obstacles and cut around protruding branches. I was like a mountain lion on the prowl. The brittle pine needles disintegrated under my feet despite my feathery steps. The hills in my periphery looked like stones and the forest green trees were like the moss. I had an eagle eye view of the world below. It was a privilege to step into the life of the creatures of the area.

20151010_125115After hitting a condemned tunnel and jumping over a few barbed wire fences, the trail let out right where Crystal and our huge beast awaited. I took a break before separating from the support a second time. Running trails infused me with new energy. I hit a path that ran high above the river. I could have been lost among the trees had I not had a path of dried pine needles beneath my feet. Occasionally I passed a person that was picking up or dropping off rafters. I even spotted a few people paddling in the river. After navigating through some private mountain property, I hit a straight frontage road that took me to the town of Superior. It was a Saturday and the town seemed rather quiet. We found a place along the road to settle down. As luck would have it, the location had a strong and open wifi signal. Crystal prepared a hearty dinner of chili and rice. I neglected posting updates in favor of watching a flick on the internet. As I started up the computer, rain drops started to pelt the roof the trailer. I couldn’t believe we had avoided all precipitation.

20151010_150959I didn’t remember falling asleep. I just knew that the outside was dry and the sun was out. We had a short distance to cover before reaching St. Regis. I was ready to enjoy my surroundings. The entire time leading up to the Rockies I had a little bit of worry. Being in the Rockies was enchanting. Immediately into the forest, the aroma of campfires or burnt wood permeated the air. It mixed with the smell of pine and was not unpleasant by any means. I ran steady on my side roads until the pavement disappeared. I took a chance and again followed the dried foliage into the woods. It was adventure. It was relaxing. It was a slice of heaven. I thought I was lost in the woods until I came out on a golf course. At that point, I was less than a mile from St. Regis.

20151011_141705I ran into the Super 8 hotel and kicked off my shoes. I looked out the window, at the quaint town, and spotted an ice cream shop. It called my name and I decided to take Crystal out for a little treat. Being a day away from crossing into another state was cause for celebration. 20151011_142925

One comment to Day 396 and 397 Alberton to Superior to St. Regis MT. – 47 Miles

  • Fawn Red Bear  says:

    It was very nice to meet you both today. I wish you luck on your noble journey. I read my son the Tenth Floor tonight and we really enjoyed it. We wish you’d been able to go to his class. He also asked me if he’d be able to check out more of your books from his school library. Darn it. Either way, I hope you enjoyed your sushi!
    All the best,
    Fawn @Kaiju Sushi ?

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