Day 120 Joliet to Bridgeview 29 miles


Texting messages while driving is against the law for a reason. It’s so you don’t hit people running. You got that. I’m talking to my friends as well; In fact especially to my friends. Next time you hear that ping, either wait until you are parked or pull over to the side if it’s that important. Really, I don’t want to be roadkill. OK?! So please try to think of me and everything that I’m putting myself through before picking up the mobile phone while driving.

I’m glad I got that off my chest. Now it’s time for a report on this quiet Sunday’s solo adventure. I started late yet again. I was fine with it though. I had some good company as I chatted a little bit with my new friend Janice and I thought I’d be doing short mileage...

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Day 119 Dwight to Joliet 38 miles


Swimming with the kids was fun yesterday but, combined with an upper body workout in the hotel, it left me crippled. I mustered all my strength to get up for check out. It was the first time on this trip I checked out after the designated time. To top it off, the sky was dark and I felt tiny drops of precipitation. No doubt I felt dreary. Luckily Elwood is pretty close in proximity to Dwight. Despite all the factors weighing me down, I fell into a nice stride and I began to pass town after town.

It was in Braidwood that I decided to break for lunch. As I was about to have my meal, two lovely ladies came over and asked if I was Dennis. Linda and Michaelanne had come from their shops across the street to greet me...

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Day 118 Pontiac to Dwight 20 miles


Bikers and I share a common bond. We both love the freedom the road gives us. I guess we are both very young at heart. Like I always say, I’ll be forever young. I refuse to believe there isn’t magic in this world. Perhaps I will always be a bit naieve and idealistic. But, my only alternative would be to live in a rigid world, a place devoid of the fantastic, a place where we have limits. I refuse to believe that I can’t change the world and I refuse to fail.

Today, I reluctantly said farewell to many of my new friends. But really, it’s never good bye, it’s just until we meet again. Oh yes, this is a small world.

I started a bit late today. I thought it would be fine since my destination was twenty miles away. Little did I know the kids in Odell, Illinois had other plans...

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