Day 10-12 in the desert 13 miles


These are the things you pass in the middle of the desert

Suffering makes a person more compassionate and understanding. Perhaps the pain is something necessary.The past three days have been an ordeal. I decided to give my body a rest on day 10 and try to walk on day 11. The shin splints had it in for me. Each step felt like a sharp nail was being driven into my shins. I tried to push through but my mom, and JC thought it best for me to call it the day and try to continue my recovery.

I am laid up and waiting for the muscle tissue in the legs to grow back. Each moment I check to see if my legs have recovered. I am anxiously awaiting that moment when my body tells me to go ahead. I know I will be much stronger than before...

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Day 8 Still running in the desert 30 miles


I am feeling increasingly detached from the world. The silence is nice though. Except for the occasional car I felt like I had the planet to myself. I got to think thoughts like “How did young Native American boys ever survive in the desert on their own when their fathers dropped them off all alone?”

As the night approached, a giant full moon peaked out from behind the mountains. J.C. and I were able to see the moon appear from nowhere. A CHP officer pulled up and asked if we were OK. He said he recieved reports about two guys running in the middle of the desert. He wasn’t even in his district. We explained what we were about then he drove ahead to check on my mom. I ended up giving him my kids book and some flyers because guess what, his wife is a school teacher...

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Day 7 Twenty-Nine Palms to Middle of nowhere 25 miles


When I am in the city I am inundated with chores, and responsibilities. I interact with other humans constantly. At times it feels like if I am not around things will stop. I know this is false though. I know because my world stopped one day and the earth kept turning. People’s lives continued while I became part of their past. Now I am on a journey and I am reminded that I am a speck in the universe. In fact I am a speck on a speck. When you run through an empty desert with looming clouds and gusty winds, you can feel the grand vastness of the universe. You can hear the thoughts of the world clearly as all the elements speak. Not everyone is willing to listen though.

The work I put in day after day will create opportunities...

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