Day 1 A new journey 13 miles


I should start by writing to my readers that I never meant to neglect my blog for such a long period of time. I guess the run took a lot out of me. Besides, I felt as if my everyday event couldn’t really compare to the adventure of the road.

You will be happy to know the time away was not wasted. Everything I did over the course of this past year was to build upon the foundation we laid in 2011. We influenced over 20,000 kids in 2012 already and the year is not finished. We are also planning The Great Reading Run 2. The new adventure will stretch over 11,000 miles around the perimeter of the United States. Honestly I’m trying hard not to think about what I’ve agreed to do.

I learned so much over the course of the first expedition and I made so many good friends...

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Storytellers and Snacks


It’s been a whirlwind of activity since the new year began. I feel like Prince Dee in “The Tenth Floor”. I guess I feel like passing out. I must admit I’ve been having fun though. Watching kids attack the new set of books like rabid creatures is awesome. It reminds me of my purpose.

I’ve also been fortunate to connect with a plethora of wonderful children’s authors. I encounter whimsical tales on a a daily basis and my “to read” list grows by the day. And, as you know I never compromise my fitness. Add a full class load to the mix and presto: My life. As of now I’ve got the task of helping make the Papa Didos “Storytellers and Snacks” event something special. I’m hoping that like in “The Tenth Floor” The goal gets achieved. We shall see...

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Balance.  When our lives are out of sync we lose our balance. Often times the problem is difficult to recognize. And, when we finally do, it is very difficult to find the harmony through the discord. It’s because as humans, we are creatures of habit. We often take the path of least resistance.

Every moment of our lives we have a choice. When we choose one road we continue forward because it’s easy and the path is right in front of our feet. The further we travel on the road, the more difficult it is to change course. If you choose to reverse course, every step in the wrong direction is an extra step which will need to be retraced. Our health is our choice. I’m talking about healthy minds and healthy bodies. This balance is the key to happiness.

We at Papa Didos want to set kid...

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