Category Books

Some Statistics about Literacy

Some Statistics about Literacy

Why learn to read early?
Two-thirds of students who can not read proficiently by the end of the fourth grade will end up in jail or on welfare. Fourth grade is the watershed year!!!!

Literacy worldwide
According to UNICEF, “Nearly a billion people will enter the twenty-first century unable to read a book or sign their names. Two-thirds of them are women.

Literacy stats & juvenile court
85% of al juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate.
More than 60% of all prision inmates are functionally illiterate.
Penal institution records show, inmates have a 16% chance of returning to prison if they receive literacy help as opposed to 70% who receive no help.

The Dept. of Justice states
“The link between academic failure, del...

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The mission of the Papa Didos Ideals Foundation is to promote literacy to children

Sixty five days until I hit the road. The buildup is killing me. I’ve been preparing for something like three months now and I don’t yet feel ready. It’s not the milage that plays on my mind. That part is all just a matter of patience and doing. What is unsettling is that I tweak my route often. I’m really not sure just yet where I will lay my head from night to night.

My main goal in this run was to have enough books ready to give to kids along my route. Actually I should state clearly the purpose of my organization because, at times, the run overshadows the foundation. The mission of the Papa Didos Ideals Foundation is to promote literacy to children (especially those at risk and underprivileged) by giving them books and reading to them...

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Prince Dee and The Tenth Floor Coming This Month!

The Factory is one of those huge places which is broken up into many areas. There they manufacture goods for the rest of the planet. One of theresidents there, Prince Dee, is sent to work on the tenth floor. He possesses the imagination they need to recharge their workshop and get things back on track. But, it’s not all smooth sailing when he gets there. With the weight of the world on his shoulders, he overworks his young body. It’s up to theothers in the workshop to complete the monumental task of manufacturing enough toys for every child on the planet for the spring festival. Can they band together and get the job done? Find out what happens in “The Tenth Floor”.

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