I am a dreamer. I see the cup that is empty and I fill it.


I am a dreamer. I see the cup that is empty and I fill it. That’s really all there is to it. I have a vision of the world that can be: a world where the content of one’s character isn’t even a question. I have a vision of a world where children have compassion as well as passion. We can begin changing the world any time. It starts with the person in the mirror.

Spending time with kids can be a wonderful learning experience not just for the kids but also for adults. They ask some of the hardest and most intriguing questions. With their insatiable thirst for knowledge, they are natural scientists. They are the cups that I seek to fill. I want to fill them with knowledge and goodness. I want to make them smile. I dream of helping them become productive wonderful citizens...

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How hard can I push my body until it breaks?


How hard can I push my body until it breaks? Where are our boundaries? What is the absolute limit? Will I be able to push myself further than my body will allow? I’ve been meaning to write about my nutrition and training in preparation for my long journey. I’ve been asking opinions of doctors, trainers, and other runners. One thing is clear. I will need to consume an enormous amount of calories. Even then, I will still probably drop a couple of pounds.

The past couple of days my workouts have been all day affairs. I start with a run then I consume some food. I move into a regimen of weights followed by another run. The result of this intensive training is that some of the muscles in my upper body are sore.  It’s the price I pay for neglecting the parallel bars for so long...

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This time last year, life started all over for me


This time last year, life started all over for me. Like a newborn, I had to relearn things about society and about human behavior. I had an abundance of energy and drive. Perhaps I was a little impetuous with my decisions though. I have made naïve mistakes in my quest to give back to this world. But, if I lose the part of me that dares to dream, I lose the essence of who I am.

I create my own reality and I take comfort in my ideals. With so many options, every moment of every day seems to offer up some new distraction.  Only I can bring myself peace of mind. 

I started this Christmas morning with a run followed by a little bit of strength training. The roads were nice and empty. The air was crisp. I was pleased to pass other runners and bikers along my route...

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